Monday, August 12, 2013

There are 3 days posts here, Sat, Sun, and some from today, Monday, but in reverse order.

8/10/13 Saturday

Got up this morning, hoping it would rain. Betsy and I were supposed to meet several of her friends to work out at 9.  But if rained, we couldn’t do it, as it was outside, in a playground.  But alas, clear as a bell. I was still so tired from the other night.  We went to work out, met Megan, Tammy, and her husband Mark.  Pam, a friend of Betsy’s joined us for the first part.  I led a 20 min ab/core workout, very tough.  Then we switched off between 5 ‘stations,’ each person doing one exercise and moving to the next station. The stations were rows, on the underside of a bar in the playground, chin-ups, jump rope, tricep dips, and don’t know what to call these things where you, on your back, use a ball under your calves and roll it in towards your butt. Works hamstrings, very tough. All in all, it was a great workout, and we finished up at 10, after finishing with some exercise we wanted to do.  I ran sprints on the soccer field, from goal to goal.  4 times.  I was beat, and decided to take off two days. 

Worked on the house, mainly the back porch all afternoon, putting up screening.  And napped.  Went to that Catawba event, and talked to some people but didn’t really see anyone I knew.  Oh, on the way back from working out, Betsy and I stopped at a great yard sale in Roanoke, and I commented how great it was to one of the women running it, and she said she would give me a chair I was looking at if I would say that on camera, for her to advertise the sale on FB.  I did.  Fun. Bought a few inexpensive armless chairs, for playing on the backporch, and a guitar stand, a pyrex 4 cup measure, etc.

Ate 2 eggs for breakfast, and coffee  per usual.  Then had tomato sandwich, on gluten free frozen waffle.  Great.  Later had some of the grilled veggies from Monday night.  And a bagel with tomato slices and cream cheese, and at 11pm a veggie burger, cheese, lettuce, mayo.  WW bun. 


Woke up sore today, mainly my thighs. I think that’s the steps.  Taking the whole day off from exercise.  Eating well, though.  More of the same type stuff.  Sunday evening, I went on a cooking binge.  Made Indian style potatoes, with green pepper and onions, with potatoes from the Catawba Farmer’s Market and sweet potatoes I had from being grilled last Friday night.  Excellent. 

Then sautéed some Twin Oaks tofu I had in the fridge, with a Memphis type dry barbecue seasoning I have but had not tried.  A little salty, but very good.  I then sautéed the remaining veggies I had from the grill, mainly squash of various types, with garlic and peppers. 

I had some cooked rice and peas that had been in the fridge for a few days.  It gets kind of hard and clumpy, and not very good, UNLESS you sauté it in some oil. The pan I had used had lots of little charred bits from the previous sautéing, and the rice came out perfectly.  But, too salty, since there had been the salty seasoning in the pan.  So I made another cup of rice, and added it to the sauté.  Perfect. 

I guess that was it.  I used up ALL the grilled veggies I had had in the fridge, before they went bad.  I like doing that.

Cara and Mike came by in the afternoon, to harvest "money plant."  I had to go meet a friend, so I couldn't do much, but learned how to do it.  It can be sold on ebay, apparently for lots of money.  Does anyone else know about this?  Wild.  

8/12 Monday

Worked out abs and did my 15 lb weight routine—shoulders, biceps, forearms. Did lots of pushups and tricep dips.  Nothing on lower body. Still sore there.  Will run again tomorrow. 

1/2 bagel for breakfast, with cream cheese, and big slices of fresh tomato. Love tomato season!  And the usual two cups of coffee, etc.  

Now at the Salem Library, brought lots of food for lunch, but there isn't a microwave. Ate the potatoes--they are good cold/not warm, but the rice, ratatouille and grilled veggies need to be heated.  darn.

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